Monday 19 March 2012

Recovery day, well not really. 
Taking stock of what I have sold and looks like it will be another week of sewing.
Necklaces are still going along nicely and the bookmarks are selling well.
Flemington Market on Sunday and than a double weekend of Red Hill and Foster so must be well and truly stocked up - Easter weekend so lots of Holiday makers will be out for a social day at the markets.

If you wish to enquire or purchase any of the Swallowtail products just drop me a line on facebook


  1. I recently sold most of my portfolio of drawings and found myself with very little artwork. It seems I've gotten lazy, lol. I think I need to get busy like you. Your stuff looks amazing.

    1. hanks the compliment, is much appreciated. We all go through stages when we are either just uninspired or just don't feel like it - been there before. All us artists must stick together. Go on......Pick Up A Pencil :)
